When it comes to adoption and major life experiences for a family, the staff at Cradle of Life were the most generous.
“When it comes to adoption and major life experiences for a family, the staff at Cradle of Life were the most generous, patient and knowledgeable people we have ever encountered. Working with Cradle of Life has been a true experience of the heart for our family. As parents of two biological and three adopted children, we now understand that different agencies approach the adoptive family differently. It was from stories of your own experience as adoptive parents that we built our most basic understanding of how this miracle process would work. We knew we could call you for anything, anytime, and you would take the time to answer our questions . . .over and over again. Cradle of life is a part of our family, one we will treasure forever. We are grateful for the precious, perfect, children we have as a result of Cradle of Life. We are grateful for the ways you have made this journey so special for our family. Thank you so very much for playing such an incredible role in this miracle. Thank you for helping us build our family and for making adoption as natural and as satisfying as any birth experience. Thank you over and over again.”